Relationship Therapy
Attending Couples Therapy Alone or With Your Partner

Individual Couples Therapy
Early in couples counseling, you will each meet for a session alone. This a space to get your specific history relevant to therapy. I will ask you about your past relationships and life history to get a better picture of who you are. This will also be a space to address any concerns of safety within the relationship and next steps to ensure safety.

With Your Partner
The majority of counseling will be with all who are in the relationship. Therapy will focus on the primary concerns of the relationship and help develop skills to better communicate, build a life together, and create shared meaning.
Reasons for Relationship Therapy
Communication Issues
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Communication is a cornerstone of any relationship and is often a focus in couples counseling. Counseling will investigate where miscommunication occurs and how to better express your thoughts, emotions, needs, and wants in order to better understand each other.
Non Traditional Relationship
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Polyamory and consentual non-monogamy present specific issues that require oppenness and communication. It is important to have a non-judgmental space for addressing these concerns that can be so often stigmatized.
Trust Problems
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When trust is broken by infidelity, broken promises, or personal history, it can be difficult to regain. Relationship therapy can help openly discuss the hurt from the betrayal and open a path toward reconcilliation and healing.
About Relationship Therapy
Relationship therapy is ultimately focused on the relationship between all who are involved. Common issues in relationship counseling are communication, trust, and navigating new challenges as a couple.
Relationship therapy requires participation from all involved and an openness to accept responsibility for your role within the relationship and how your actions affect your partner.
The first session will involve all who are in the relationship. This session will establish the primary concerns of each person. This session will be followed by individual sessions with each person involved to get their personal history and perspective. From there on, the sessions will be conjoined.
Sessions will likely focus on communication skills, developing a shared vision and goal for the relationship, addressing unique cultural and personal concerns, and developing tasks that help your relationship grow in intimacy and understanding.
Getting Started is Easy
Free 15 Min Chat
Call for a phone consultation to see if we are a good fit
Book Appointment
Please e-mail me at [email protected] to schedule
1st Session!
The first session will be used to develop goals and continue to see if this is a good fit for you
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital